Students involved in STAND UP. SPEAK OUT. LEND A HAND will hear from Gerda during a special interactive videoconference event and then embark upon their own service learning projects. Each participating school will be tasked with designing and implementing a service learning project that combats social issues in their community.
In order to maintain an on-going dialogue over the course of the project, each class will create a wiki page and posting bi-weekly updates on their projects. Once a month, schools will be assigned a partner class who will review and comment on their wiki page (and vice versa). Students will then reconvene via videoconference to share their service learning projects with the Klein Foundation during a celebratory "Project Collaboration Videoconference" in March. We will break schools into smaller groups for project sharing to encourage dialogue among students!
Here are the project dates - - mark them on your calendar:
- You are the Messengers to a Time I Will Not See:
A Conversation with Gerda Weissmann Klein Videoconference
December 10, 2009 * 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET - Supporting Your Students in their Service Learning Projects
Teacher Workshop Videoconference
January 21, 2010 * 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET - Student Service Learning Projects
December – March - Service Project Celebration
Student Sharing Videoconference Event
March 24, 2010 * 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Students/Classes will be assigned to a 50 minute interactive period during this time.
It's a three-month service learning challenge. Are your students ready to STAND UP, SPEAK OUT, and LEND A HAND against extremism and hunger?
To register for this program, please visit the program website.
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